“He has put a new song in my mouth—Praise to our God.” Psalm 40:3
Minister and lecturer Thomas Dewitt Talmage (1832-1902) told the story of an accident that occurred on a ferry on one of the Great Lakes. A little child standing by the rail suddenly lost her balance and fell overboard. “Save my child!” cried the frantic mother. Lying on the deck was a great Newfoundland dog, which plunged into the water at the command of his master. Swimming to the girl, he took hold of her clothing with his teeth and brought her to the side of the boat, where both were lifted to safety. Although still frightened, the little girl threw her arms around the big shaggy dog and kissed him again and again. It seemed a most natural and appropriate thing to do. Likewise, a response of love and gratitude should flow from every person who has been rescued by the Savior through His self-sacrificing death on the cross. He
came from Heaven’s glory to suffer and die that we might have eternal life. The apostle Paul expressed his gratitude when he wrote, “Giving thanks to the Father who has... delivered us from the power of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of the Son of His love”
(Col. 1:12,13). Is your heart filled with praise and gratitude for all that God has done for you in Christ? It is a most fitting response.
God Bless You, Forever!
Preacher Jim Reed, D.V.
“Forgetting those things which are be- hind....I press toward the goal.”
Philippians 3:13-14
The month of January is named after Janus, the Roman god of beginnings. He was symbolized as a man with two faces, one looking back and the other looking ahead. On this day of January, some people have trouble looking ahead with hope because they keep looking back and moping over the mistakes of the past. Their outlook for the future is dimmed, and their enthusiasm is dampened. But there is no use crying over spilled milk.” History is likely to repeat itself if they keep on brooding over failures of the old year to continue complaining about the injustices they suffered in the last 12 months. Nothing is gained by continually grieving over the past. On this day of this new year, begin by confessing your sins to the Lord and accepting the gracious forgiveness He offers. Make right what needs correcting, and then, “forgetting those things which are behind,” press onward with confidence and trust in your heavenly Father. That was Paul’s secret, and it worked. Let’s not be “two-faced” like the Roman god of beginnings. Rather, with a forward look, let’s move ahead with hope and joy. Have a
blessed new year!
God Bless You, Forever!
Preacher Jim Reed, D.V.
”But by the grace of God I am what I am…” I Corinthians 15:10a
A few years before John Newton died, a friend was having breakfast with him. Their custom was to read from the Bible after the meal. Because Newton’s eyes were growing dim, his friend would read, then Newton would comment briefly on the passage. That day the selection was from I Corinthians 15. When the words “by the grace of God I am what I am” were read, Newton was silent for several minutes. Then he said, I am not what I ought to be. How imperfect and deficient I am! I am not what I wish to be, although I abhor that which is evil and would cleave to what is good. I am not what I hope to be, but soon I shall put off mortality, and with it all sin...Though I am not what I ought to be, nor what I wish to be, nor yet what I hope to be, I can truly say I am not what I once was; a slave to sin and Satan. I can heartily join with the apostle and acknowledge that by the grace of God I am what I am!” Newton’s words apply to every Christian. Because of God’s goodness, we are spared much bad that we deserve and are given much good that we do not deserve. Every good thing comes from His hand. Does humble gratitude to God characterize your life? Do you acknowledge with Paul and John Newton, “By the grace of God I am what I am”?
God Bless You, Always,
Preacher Jim Reed, D.V.
P.S. “Grace means everything to those who deserve nothing”!
“Daniel…knelt down on his knees three times that day, and prayed..., as with his custom. Daniel 6:10
A soldier was accused of communicating with the enemy. He had been emerging from an area
where enemy troops were known to patrol. When the man was taken before the commanding
officer, he defended himself by stating that he had slipped away to spend an hour alone in prayer. Is this a regular practice of yours?” Demanded the officer. “Yes sir, “ he replied. “Then never in your life have you been in more need of prayer than now. Kneel down and pray aloud so we all may hear you.” Expecting instant death, the soldier dropped to his knees and poured out his heart to God. His earnest fluency, his humble appeal for God’s help, and his trust in the One who could deliver him revealed that he had spent much time in prayer. “You may go,” said the officer. “No one could have prayed that way without a long apprenticeship. The fellows who have never attended drill are always ill at ease for the review. When King Darius issued the order that all his subjects were to pray only to him, Daniel didn’t panic. He went into his house, opened his windows toward Jerusalem, and lifted his petitions to the God of Israel. He just did what he had always done. May the language of prayer be so natural that it flows freely from our hearts at any time..
God Bless You, Eternally!,
Preacher Jim Reed, D.V.
“According to all that the Lord had commanded (Moses), so he did.” Exodus 40:16
Read the instructions! Pieces will go together better! Back in the days of Israel’s wilderness wanderings, Moses faced the task of putting together a structure using a variety of parts. In Exodus 36-39, we read that the people had gathered materials and built the parts of the tabernacle. Then the Lord told Moses how to put it together (chapter 40). The tabernacle would be the structure God wanted, and it would bring glory to Him only if Moses followed His detailed plans—if he did “as the Lord had commanded” (v.19).
With the tabernacle—and with our lives—the only right way to build is to follow God’s guidance. Are we allowing Him to direct our steps? Are we following His instructions as outlined in the Bible?
If we are, He will help us to put the pieces of our lives together so that we will bring glory and honor to Him.
God Bless You, Always!
Preacher Jim Reed, D.V.
“And [we] are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus!” Romans 3:24
Everywhere you turn today, you see advertising. Billboards shout and T-shirts tout their messages. Radio spots, TV commercials and newspaper ads make urgent pitches. Adweek columnist Barbara Lippert looked the situation over and remarked, “Everything in America is a product being sold—whether it’s a celebrity, a television show, whether its anything.” Of course, we know that the goods and services being advertised carry a price tag. We have to pay for what is being offered. No one expects to get something for nothing. There is, however, one huge exception. When God decided to offer something as amazing and wonderful as eternal life. He chose to pay the price Himself in Christ so that we could receive it free. Some people think they can “buy” salvation by good works or church membership, but only those who put
their trust in God’s Son and accept the payment He made on their behalf receive it. Each year people respond to ads and spend millions of dollars on soft drinks, cars, pizza, and carpet. But
the best offer ever made carries no price tag. It is not for sale.
Have you accepted this free gift yet?
God Bless You, Always!
Preacher Jim Reed, D.V.
"He did not know that the Lord had departed from him.” Judges 16:20
Barney had always been proud of his thick, wavy hair. But then he began to lose it. Finally just one lone hair remained on top of his shimmy dome. One morning Barney awoke, looked at his pillow, and was shocked to see that last hair lying there. Jumping out of the bed, he ran downstairs crying, “Martha, Martha, I’m bald!” That reminds me of the Christian who begins dabbling in things of the world. He gets deeper and deeper in sin, slowly sliding away from the Lord, without even knowing what is happening. It is not until he has had some startling experience- perhaps due to God’s discipline - that he sees his true condition. When suddenly brought under the powerful searchlight of the Word of God, the deceitfully Satan has stripped away his spiritual power and discernment. TV, movie, and home video habits reveal how far some people have slipped. Suggestive words and immoral themes, once considered offensive, are tolerated as acceptable entertainment. To avoid the kind of shock that Barney experienced, it’s important to examine ourselves daily.
Say, are you going bald spiritually?
God Bless You, Forever!,
Preacher Jim Reed, D.V.
"The Son can do nothing to Himself.” I John 5:19
Jesus was fully God yet He was fully man. As a man His power, wisdom, and grace flowed not from His divine nature but from His utter dependence on God. “The Son can do nothing Himself,’ He said (John 5:19). How much did Jesus do apart from God? Nothing! Jesus always depended on His Father. Luke reports multitudes came together to hear, and to be healed by Him of their infirmities. So He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed” (Luke 5:15-16). He knew he needed those quiet times to restore His soul. What’s done in secret is what matters. It’s during those quiet times that we, like Jesus, are shaped and molded and made into people that God can put to his untended use. “But, “you say, “I’m in a place where I can’t be useful.” Perhaps you feel that circumstances limit you drastically. Illness, financial problems, a difficult boss or co-worker, or an uncooperative family member seem to conspire against you. Whatever your situation, use it to grow closer to the Savior. Learn to have utter dependence on the Father, just as Jesus did. Leave it up to God to make you useful in.
God Bless You, Forever!,
Preacher Jim Reed, D.V.
“Whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospels' will be saved.” Mark 8:35
Receiving Christ as Savior and following Him as Lord is an investment that pays eternal dividends. A wealthy young man came to Jesus and inquired, “Good Teacher, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?” (Mark 10:17) Jesus told him to give up everything and follow Him (v.21). But this was far more than the rich young man had bargained for. It seems that he wanted a level commitment that would not upset his secure lifestyle. Jesus, however, required that he hold nothing back. As a young man, Jim Elliot determined to invest his life for eternity by serving God on the mission field. Along with four other young missionaries, Jim ventured into the jungles of Ecuador to take the gospel to the savage Auca Indians. On January 8, 1956, Auca tribesman killed all five missionaries in a surprise attack. “What a loss!” some might say. Yet, in the intervening years, many of the Aucas have become believers in Jesus Christ. Jim Elliot and his colleagues lost their lives but gained eternal dividends. In his journal Jim had written, “he is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose.” One day we will “lose” this life. Let’s choose now to invest it for eternity.
God Bless You, Forever!,
Preacher Jim Reed, D.V.
“Submit to God. Resist the devil and the devil will flee from you.” James 4:7
A 16 foot shark left a couple of 2 inch long teeth and more than 30 gashes in a small Japanese fishing boat. According to a news release out of Tokyo, the boat was occupied by a lone
71-year-old fisherman who beat off the attacking shark with a long wooden pole. “I thought I was going to die. So I tried all means to repel it, “said Yoshiaki Ueda. The shark rammed the small boat several times before leaving. That shark attack reminds me of the attacks of our spiritual enemy. James said, “Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” But how? Certainly not
with a stick. What will discourage him? James, Job and our Lord give us the answer. Immediately before saying, “Resist the devil, “James said, “Submit to God.” Job did exactly that
when he resisted Satan’s attack by saying, “THE LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD” (Job 1:21). Our Savior resisted the devil in the wilderness by quoting the Scriptures and submitting Himself to the Father’s care (Matthew 4:1-11). How do we resist the devil? Not by shouting or swinging, but by submitting to the One who can deal with the enemy of our souls. Trust God for the victory.
God Bless, Forever!,
Preacher Jim Reed, D.V.
“He is not here; He has risen, just as He said. Come and see the place where He lay. Then go quickly and tell His disciples: He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see Him. Now I have told you. Matthew 28:6-7
It is no accident that every gospel account of the resurrection mentions running. Two women left the scene in haste and joy (Matt. 28-8). The women who had brought prepared spices ran to tell the others (Mark 16:1-8). Peter and John raced to the garden to see the empty tomb. (Luke 24:12; John 20:3-4). Christ’s victory over the grave is an exciting truth—a story that must be told!
Edwin S. Johnson said, “One of the greatest missionary texts in all the Bible is found in the words of the angel on the first resurrection morn. Four little monosyllables summarize the program and plan of the Lord to reach people with the gospel. Meditate on those four words: come, see, go and tell. Where could a more complete summary be found! How could it be more simply stated! Here is a salvation message and a missionary text all combined.” Once we have truly come to Christ for salvation and we have seen the truth of the gospel, we must go into all the world and tell others. Our resurrected Lord is building His church and will soon come again. This truth should make us want to run to tell the good news to others! If the resurrection doesn’t excite and motivate us, perhaps we have not yet fully appreciated its reality and power.
God Bless You, Always!
Preacher Jim Reed, D.V.
And we think we have trouble! It’s easy to lose the right perspective when we look at our world and see the way things are going. In some places people are struggling to survive, while in others they are busy killing each other. If the difficulties of the past few years makes us wishful for the good ole days, we haven’t read about the really old days Joel was talking about.
Here’s what Judah was up against. A relentless hoard of locusts had ravaged the land. The vineyards were so damaged that the priests couldn’t even squeeze out a drink offering. The fig, pomegranate, palm, and apple trees were all ruined. The entire agriculture base, which was wiped out. Indeed, as Joel described it, “Joy has withered away from the sons of men” (1:12). At a time when many must have been shaking their fists at God for allowing such devastation, Joel told the people that it was time to go into the house of the Lord and cry out to Him.
That is always the answer. When there is trouble in the land, our only recourse is to turn to God, call out to Him, and trust Him without fail. No matter what calamity strikes today, that should be our number one strategy.
Do we daily “cry out to the Lord”?
God Bless You, Forever!,
Preacher Jim Reed, D.V.
“His delights is in the law of the Lord...He shall be like a tree planted by the river’s of
water. ~Psalm 1:2-3
During an operation, an experienced surgeon asked a young intern, “Who is the most important person in this operating room?” The intern groped for an appropriate answer. He didn’t believe that his mentor was asking for personal compliments, so, trying to sound gracious, assist you in a such an efficient manner.” The surgeon shook his head and said, “No, the most important individual in this room is the patient.”
It’s possible to overlook the obvious. In personal Bible study it’s easy to forget that most important element is you. Whether you find profit or not depends on your attitude.
What is the right attitude to bring to Bible study? First, approach the Bible with sense of your own need, not simply to teach it to someone else. Second, approach the Bible with humility. Don’t try to make the Bible say what you would like it to say, but study to discover what God has said.
German theologian Johann Bengel said, “Be like a maker of a well who brings no water to his source but allows the water he finds there to flow freely without stoppage, diversion, or defilement.” Those who do that will grow like trees “planted by the rivers” (Psalm 1:3)
God Bless You, Forever!,
Preacher Jim Reed, D.V.
“It shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer.” Isaiah 65:24
The installation of the first telegraph lines in the Shetland Islands off the coast of Scotland prompted unusual responses by some people. For example, as one man stood looking at the wires being mounted on the high poles, a businessman said to him, “What a wonderful thing this new invention is! When it is finished, we will be able to send a message 200 miles or more and get an answer within an hour!” The other man seem unimpressed. “There’s nothing very great about that, “ he answered. “There isn’t’? Do you know of anything that is better or faster?” asked the businessman.
The man, thinking of Isaiah 65. replied. “Did you ever hear of getting an answer before the message is sent?” The man look dumbfounded, thinking it was just a strange, meaningless comment. Little did he realize the biblical truth behind that reply.
God reads our hearts and always knows our needs. Often, even while we are speaking, the desired blessing is on the way. Daniel was still praying when Gabriel flew swiftly from God’s throne with the answer (Daniel 9:20-23). Yes, prayer is faster than any modern means of communication. Let’s use it often!
God Bless You, Forever!,
Preacher Jim Reed, D.V.
“God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love…, made us a alive together with Christ.”
Ephesians 2:4,5
Nansen, the Norwegian explorer, tried to measure an extremely deep part of the Artic Ocean, The first day, he used his longest measuring line but couldn’t reach bottom. He wrote in
his log book, “The ocean is deeper that that!” The next day , he added more line but still could not measure the depth, and so again in his record book he wrote, “Deeper than that!”
After several days of adding more and more pieces of rope and cord to his line, he had to leave that part of the ocean without learning its actual depth. All he knew was that it was beyond his ability to measure. So too, we cannot plumb the depths of God’s love, because our human measuring line is to short. God will take all eternity to show us the fullness of His love.
Ephesians 2 tells us that in the coming ages He will show us the incomparable riches of His grace in all that He did for us in Christ Jesus (v.7). I believe that is heaven we will always be marveling at the vastness of Gods infinite love. In the light of such love, shouldn’t our gratitude cause us to serve and praise Him more zealously in the few years He grants us here on earth? Both now and forever, as we try to comprehend God’s love, we may well exclaim, “It’s deeper-much deeper than that!”
God Bless You, Always!,
Preacher Jim Reed, D.V.
“Tunnel Vision!”
“These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, in order that you may know that you have eternal life.” I John 5:13
A new Christian confided to another believer that he was doubting salvation. “Yesterday I was filled with joy, and I thought I would never be in the dark again. But now it’s all gone, and I’m in the depths. What’s the matter with me?” Have you ever passed through a tunnel?” asked his friend. “Certainly, I have,” said the convert. “But I don’t see what that has to do with my present situation.” “When you you were in the tunnel, did you think the sun had been blotted out of the sky?” “No, I knew the sun was still in the sky, even though I couldn’t see it.”
“Were you distressed when you were in the tunnel?” “No, I knew I’d soon be out in the light again.” “And did you get out?” “Of course!” replied the new Christian. Then he paused as the truth dawned on him. “I see what you mean. God’s promises remain the same no matter how I feel. I should rest in His Word – not in my feelings!” Emotions change.
The tides of enthusiasm are often controlled by current of daily happenings. But based on what Christ has done and what the Bible says, we can have a settled assurance about our relationship with God. Tunnels are only temporary!
God Bless You, Always!,
Preacher Jim Reed, D.V.
“Oh, give thanks to the Lord! Call upon His name.”~Psalm 105:1
A little boy said, Salt is what spoils potatoes when it is left out.” Using the same kind of negative definition, we can say, Gratitude is what spoils life when it is left out.”
A disposition of continual thankfulness comes from an unshakable confidence in God’s wisdom, power, and goodness no matter what our circumstances may be.
People who possess the quality of gratitude may be poor in this world’s goods, but they are truly rich spiritually.
Some of the most appreciative people I know are people who have little material wealth, and some even live below the poverty line. In one of his stories, Charles Dickens has a character say, “My not knowing at one meal where I shall get the next is a great help to thankfulness.”
Riches, on the other hand, may be a handicap. A wealthy woman told her doctor that she was frustrated by a restless desire to accumulate more and more things. He replied, “These are the usual symptoms of too much ease in a home and too little gratitude in the heart.”
No matter what your circumstances, count your blessings. The salt of gratitude helps make all of life taste better.
God Bless You, Forever!
Preacher Jim Reed, D.V.
“Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord.” ~Luke 19:38
The triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem a few days before His death sent His disciples to get the colt He was to ride. He instructed them to tell the owners,
“The Lord has need of it” (Luke 19:30). And when the crowds shouted their praise, they quoted Psalm 118:26, saying, “Blessed is
the King who comes in the name of the LORD!” (Luke 19:38).
Jesus is Lord. His name is “above every name” (Philippians 2:9). As part of His title, the word Lord refers to His sovereignty. He is the King, and every believer in Him is a member of His kingdom.
We acknowledge Jesus as Lord of our lives by bowing to His authority as King. This means that we love in obedience to Him. We can’t be like the man who claimed to be a Christian and yet chose to use illegal drugs and live in an immoral relationship. When his minister confronted him, he glibly replied, “Don’t worry, pastor. It’s okay. I’m just a bad Christian.” It’s not okay. Not at all! Not for one person who claims to be a follower of Christ (Luke 6:43-49).
Today. Make sure you are honoring Him with your deeds as well as with your words. Then you can join with others in proclaiming, “Jesus is Lord!”
God Bless You, Always!,
Preacher Jim Reed, D.V.
Gentiles, who do not have the law,...show the work of the law written in their hearts.” ~Romans 2:14-15
People who reject absolute standards of right and wrong are often inconsistent. When they think they are being treated unfairly, they appeal to a standard of justice that they expect everyone to adhere to.
A philosophy professor began each new term by asking his class, “Do you believe it can be shown that there are absolute values like justice?” The free-thinking students all argued that everything is relative and no single law can be applied universally. Before the end of the semester, the professor devoted one class period to debate the issue. At the end, he concluded, “Regardless of what you think, I want you to know that absolute values can be demonstrated. And if you don’t accept what I say, I’ll flunk you!” One angry student got up and insisted, “That’s not fair!” “You’ve just proved my point,” replied the professor. “You’ve appealed to a higher standard of fairness.”
God’s moral standards are in the Bible, and He has given us a conscience to tell us right from wrong (Romans 2:14-15). Every time we use the words good and bad, we imply a standard by which we make such judgments. Biblical values are not outdated. They are good for any age because they originate with an eternal, unchanging God.
God Bless You, Always!,
Preacher Jim Reed, D.V.
“You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” ~Matthew 16:16
On the file folders in its biographical morgue, The Washington Post identifies famous people with a single vocational notice, such as “home run king” or “motion picture star.” According to a former report, one of these files is marked, “Jesus Christ (martyr).”
Every individual who considers Jesus Chris makes some judgment about Him. French philosopher and historian Ernest Renan said, “All history is incomprehensible without Christ.” American author Ralph Waldo Emerson concluded, “His name is not so much written but plowed into the history of the world.”
Kenneth Scott Latourette, former chairman of the department of religion at Yale Graduate School, wrote, “That short life of Jesus has been the most influential ever lived. Through Him millions have been transformed and have begun to live the life which He exemplified. Gauged by the consequences which have followed, the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus have been the most important events in the history of man.”
What label do you put on Jesus Christ? If you agree that He is who He claimed to be, then let Him who is the center of history be not only the center of your creed but also the object of your loyalty and love.
God Bless You, Always!,
Preacher Jim Reed, D.V.
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